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2015 - Free Mused Literary Review Ebooks

The BellaOnline Mused Literary Review offers poetry, short stories, artwork, non-fiction works, plays, and interviews each quarter. The magazine is offered in ebook format for free! This gorgeous, formatted PDF is a delightful way to enjoy each season of the year. Mused is published on each solstice and equinox.

  F E A T U R E D   I S S U E  

Mused Literary Magazine
Autumn Equinox 2017 - Volume 11, Issue 3

Autumn is a season for counting our blessings. For realizing just how much we have in life where so many others are without. It can often be easy to take things for granted. Things which millions of people desperately dream of having. By pausing for a moment, and looking around with mindfulness, we can find a new center. Begin with fresh energy.

Artwork takes us on this journey of appreciating the beauty in every day. The shimmering violet of a flower's petal. The rich glow of autumn foliage. The masterpiece of a luminous sunset.

Poetry shimmers with vision. The delicate parasol of Queen Anne's lace. The coy flirtations of a luminous moon. The charcoal tears of raindrops in dust.

Fiction draws us in to worlds which could easily be our own. A grandmother whose memories gambol and fade. A woman who relives the fears of a long-distant past. A young man who treasures every day he has left to him.

Non-Fiction invites us into a fellow traveler's world. A woman meets her adopted daughter for the first time. A brother comes to terms with the untimely passing of a beloved sister. A woman's life takes a detour which strengthens her courage. A young girl survives a tragic accident and realizes she's lucky to be alive.

We are all on this big blue marble for the fleetest of moments. A few whirls around a star and our journey is complete. There is so much to treasure in every day. There are so many fellow humans we can gently touch and lift up. If only with a smile - if only with a kind word.


Lisa Shea

PDF and Print Versions of Autumn Equinox 2017
Mused Literary Magazine
Summer Solstice 2017 - Volume 11, Issue 2

"To see the Summer Sky
Is Poetry, though never in a Book it lie - True Poems flee"
- Emily Dickinson

Our time on this Earth is fleeting and precious. We often know that in a vague, intellectual sense, and yet we can find ourselves whittling away those finite minutes without mindful thought. We should celebrate the beauty in a child's smile. The radiant sound of saying "I love you" to that special person. The warm touch of a hand. The delicate scent of a wildflower.

Our artwork celebrates those stunning moments. The raindrop on a pale petal. The glimmer on a honey bee's wing. The perfect orange sphere of a rose hip. The peaceful calm of a resting owl.

Poetry layers in emotion and senses beyond sight. We travel to Georgia with the aroma of honeysuckle and fried chicken, with creaking floorboards under rocking chairs. We sizzle in the heavy heat of a summer's day while crackling brown grass prickles our feet. We breathe in the shore's scent - birds, salt ... starfish.

Fiction immerses us in lives which - but for a cosmic hiccup - could have been our own. A family sorts through their belongings, deciding what to sell to keep finances going. An older couple dedicates their energy to providing solace to orphans. A daughter finds a way to be at peace with her father.

Non-fiction reminds us that we all share one world. We struggle with mental illness. We struggle with the walls we construct between us and others. We struggle against the power of our own fears. We struggle to overcome the patterns drummed into us by our parents. We struggle with the knowledge of our own mortality. Through these works we learn, if only for a moment, to walk in another's shoes.

As we reach the Summer Solstice's cosmic pause, the moment when the earth passes seamlessly from encroaching days to encroaching nights, it's a reminder to us that this has happened billions of times before and will happen billions of times again. We are a mere blink in the eye of our world. We should treat each fellow passenger with gentle kindness. Treasure each moment. Appreciate the blessings we have.


PDF and Print Versions of Summer Solstice 2017
Mused Literary Magazine
Spring Equinox 2017 - Volume 11, Issue 1

In our modern world of 24-hour diners and around-the-clock email, it sometimes seems as if we’ve lost track of nature’s cycles. But then the Spring Equinox comes along and reminds us to pause. For thousands of years, cultures around the world have recognized this one special day as representing a balance of light and dark. It’s a unique moment in time where our world settles in equilibrium – just for a breath. And then the sunlight shines out and pulls us deeper into Spring.

Artwork brings our vernal world to life. From delicate butterflies to a beautiful sunrise, from beach walks to vintage planes, there are fascinating things to see all around us. We simply need to open our eyes and look.

In poetry, we have the celebration of spring with the uplifting golden horns of daffodils. We have thawing icicles. The fresh joy in a chirping bird. The protective watch of a mother robin’s gaze.

Fiction draws us into a family coping with an alcoholic father. A pair of youngsters get in and out of trouble at a shopping mall. A pair of men build a new friendship.

Non-Fiction shares the challenges of letting a father go, and the grief of a father who has to go on when his son has passed away. A daughter strives to connect with her mom. A traveler visits the DMZ in Korea.

Each day is a blessing – treasure each one you get. For today, we hope you enjoy our latest issue of Mused!

PDF and Print Versions of Spring Equinox 2017

  A R C H I V E  

2017 Mused Literary Review Issues
2016 Mused Literary Review Issues
2015 Mused Literary Review Issues
2014 Mused Literary Review Issues
2013 Mused Literary Review Issues
2012 Mused Literary Review Issues
2011 Mused Literary Review Issues
2010 Mused Literary Review Issues
2009 Mused Literary Review Issues
2008 Mused Literary Review Issues
2007 Mused Literary Review Issues

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