
Andreas and His CMT Challenge
Although Andreas Johansson suffers from the progressive neuromuscular disease Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT), he has not let that stop him from pursuing his dreams. Coming to the United States from Sweden, he embarked upon a trek across the U.S. on an EliptiGO, a self-powered eliptical style scooter.
Balance Walking and Neuromuscular Disease
Balance walking (also called Nordic walking, walking with poles, or walking with trekking poles) offers many health benefits. Recently, Krin Patrie, Director of Balance Walking, spoke with me about the benefits of walking with poles, including the benefits for people with neuromuscular disease.
CMT and Footwear
The right shoes cannot stop the progression of CMT. They can, however, provide better stability, balance, and comfort. This can help those of us with CMT keep walking as well as possible for as long as possible.
Coping with Shin Splints
Also known as tibial stress syndrome or exercise related leg pain, shin splints are caused by stress to the tibia (the shinbone) and the connective tissue between the muscle and tibia. This causes pain in the front of the lower leg and sometimes mild swelling.
Easy Yoga for Arthritis DVD Review
While not specific to neuromuscular disease, the modifications and detailed instructions given in the exercise DVD Easy Yoga for Arthritis with Peggy Cappy: Yoga for the Rest of Us will make the yoga exercises demonstrated appropriate for many individuals with neuromuscular disease.
Falling on Ice
As I stepped out of my car, both of feet slipped out from under me. What I had thought was a puddle turned out to be black ice. Unable to break my fall, I landed hard on my already injured left hip and on my left wrist.
Fitness Walking and Neuromuscular Disease
For those of you with neuromuscular disease who are still ambulatory, walking may be one of the safest forms of exercise for you. Check with your physician to find out if walking would benefit you and what type of bracing or equipment might best assist you.
Healing Yoga for Aches and Pains DVD Review
Yoga, a low-impact exercise, has been recommended for individuals with neuromuscular disease. While not specific to neuromuscular disease, the gentle yoga demonstrated in the DVD Healing Yoga for Aches and Pains would be appropriate and beneficial for many individuals with neuromuscular disease.
How to Start Balance Walking
Learning to use Balance Poles for exercise correctly is important, but not difficult. Along with providing significant health benefits over walking without poles, this form of walking is fun and easy to learn.
Kayaking with Neuromuscular Disease
According to the American Canoe Association (ACA) and United States Canoe Association (USCA), kayaking and other paddle sports can be adapted to accommodate individuals with a wide range of physical disabilities.
Letterbox Hiking
Who doesn't love a treasure hunt? Letterboxing involves hiking and navigational skills, with the fun of finding a “treasure” at the end of the hike. Trails can be selected by level of difficulty and wheelchair accessibility, making this a great hobby for individuals with neuromuscular disease.
Neuromuscular Disease, Darkness, and Balance
As we waited for the fireworks to begin, my mind wandered to the walk back to our car. I wondered if I would trip or fall. It would be completely dark by then, and most of the walk would be over uneven ground.
Neuropathy and Daily Foot Care
With correct foot care and regular inspection, I can minimize problems and keep my feet as healthy as possible. If you have neuropathy, make sure to speak with your physician about the proper care of your feet.
Pole Walking and Neuromuscular Disease
With the weather turning nicer, I get outside to walk more often. Walking for exercise has been recommended to me by my physician, and is often recommended to those with various types neuromuscular disease. About a year ago, I discovered the benefits of using walking poles while walking.
Resilience and Optimism
As I deal with my own health difficulties with neuromuscular disease, I remember my father’s optimism, emotional honesty, and resilience. Research has shown that people can learn to be resilient, to face adversity well. In the face of my own health issues, I claim these qualities for myself.
Singing, Health, and Neuromuscular Disease
While I did not start singing to improve my respiratory health, vocal exercises and singing with a choir have had significant health benefits for me. You might find similar benefits, while also experiencing the fun and joy that involvement with music brings into life.
Social Networking and Neuromuscular Disease
Social networking has made connecting with others easier than ever. Interacting through social networks may be especially helpful for those who have significant disability which limits their opportunities to interact with others in person, including many people with neuromuscular disease.
T’ai Chi beginning practice DVD Review
When neuromuscular disease began to cause increased difficulty with my feet, my physician recommended Tai Chi as a healthy low-impact form of exercise. I purchased a copy of T’ai Chi beginning practice with David –Dorian Ross to teach me the basic movements of T’ai Chi.
Using a Cane
"Your cane looks good on you,” a friend recently told me. Surprised, I searched his face to determine if he was joking. Since injuring my hip recently, I have used a cane when necessary. Delivered to my hospital room, the cane is not fancy or decorative, but basic and functional.
Walking My First 5K
Although I finished walking my first 5K race at close to last place, I count this as a personal victory. Find out why in this article.
Water Aerobics with Neuromuscular Disease
When my physician told me to consider non-impact exercise to protect my feet from further deterioration, I resisted at first. Non-impact exercises? How could I get a good workout with non-impact exercise? One of the options I have found includes water aerobics and swimming.
What is Functional Fitness Training?
Functional fitness can help individuals with neuromuscular disease strengthen the muscles that they need to perform everyday activities. This can lead to improved balance, reduced injuries, and an improved quality of life.
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